New Year’s Resolution


it’s official, 2010 will be my year of reading through Church Dogmatics. According to my calculations, one only has to read 24 pages a day. I figure I only have 2 years to read it before the world ends, so it might as well be this year. Well that and the fact that I have access to it right now through GWU’s library. Phil, if you’re reading this, you ought to join me. You actually purchased the entire damn set! We could alternate postings about it off and on. Along with Barth, I’ll be working through Lacan and Deleuze to start off the New Years. Lord knows that it’s a good thing I’m single right now.

5 Responses to “New Year’s Resolution”

  1. phil Says:

    Do I have a choice?

    I feel that as long as they remain unread, these volumes on my shelf hang over me in judgement. But I can’t promise to read the entire thing in one year 🙂

  2. Jeremy Says:


  3. Dave Mesing Says:

    In April, I’m pretty sure that I mentioned to one of the librarians at my school that there was a really good deal on the new set of the Dogmatics that had come out. I’m not sure whether the library ordered it or not, but I wouldn’t be able to use it anyways since I graduate in May. As such, I think I’ll offer up the really lame offer to read Dogmatics in Outline sometime during 2010. Maybe I can pace it so that I keep up with your reading, Jeremy? I guess I’ll be reading about a fourth of a page per day! Manageable!

    I feel inspired to plan a big project for 2010. I’ve wanted to do Proust for a little while, but I feel like anything I do will need a lot of time in the summer, and I’m not sure I’ll have that this year.

  4. Jeremy Says:

    Dogmatics in Outline is an ok read. It’s actually somewhat of a deceptive title. It’s really just Barth going through the creeds an offering his interpretation line-by-line. I feel as if I should read Rombreif before I read Dogmatics, but alas I have no time with finals.

    Perhaps you could supplement your study of Agamben with Foucault. I’ve yet to read much of Agamben save for the Time that Remains, the Coming Community, and the State of Exception. Have you read much Foucault? I’ve heard the new unabridged version of Madness and Civilization is exceptional. I really enjoyed that along with Discipline and Punish and History of Sexuality.

  5. Dave Mesing Says:

    I’ve read some introductory stuff, but that’s about it. I have Discipline and Punish, but it’s back at school.

    I’ve read most of Romerbrief, and its a good read, although obviously Barth himself backed down from some of it later on. I actually just wrote a paper on how the second publication of Romerbrief was a turning point in church history.

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